Friday, September 20, 2024

Health, News, Socio-Cultural, Tourism, Uttar Pradesh

#TajMahal closed till March 31, annual Shah Jahan Urs cancelled

The Taj Mahal will be closed for tourists from Tuesday onwards amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.The annual three-day Urs of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan will not be held as scheduled from March 21, as historic monuments including the Taj Mahal in Agra have been shut down till March 31, in the wake of COVID-19.

On Tuesday morning, many foreign tourists were shocked to find the Taj closed. Some even broke into tears after finding the gates shut on the eastern side and got themselves photographed with the closed gates.

This will be the first time in the history of the Taj, that the annual Urs will not be held.

During the three-day Urs, entry usually remains free and a series of functions is organised. Work on the 365-metre long chadar, to be offered, had begun.

Officials said that the decision was communicated to them on Monday night by the Ministry of Tourism in New Delhi.

The Taj Mahal”s closure will be a major jolt to the domestic tourism industry, particularly the hospitality sector since the shutdown would lead to more cancellation of bookings in Agra.

Most schools and entertainment facilities, including cinemas, have already been closed across India which has reported 114 positive cases and two deaths from the virus.All ticketed monuments and museums have also been closed until March 31.

Agra The iconic Taj Mahal and other historic monuments in Agra have been shut down till March 31 in the wake of Covid-19. The ‘monument of love’ was closed for the same duration during the 1971 war with Pakistan while it also remained shut for a week during 1978 floods, said officials.

Taj Mahal was closed for 15 days during the 1971 war with Pakistan. The white mausoleum was covered with black cloth to prevent any attack by enemy planes during night hours,” said an official with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).



Vijay Upadhyay

Vijay Upadhyay is a career journalist with 23 years of experience in various English & Hindi national dailies. He has worked with UNI, DD/AIR & The Pioneer, among other national newspapers. He currently heads the United News Room, a news agency engaged in providing local news content to national newspapers and television news channels