Friday, September 20, 2024

Delhi, INDIA, Indian Army, News, World

No Indian territory occupied by anyone: PM Narendra Modi tells all-party meet

After the military clash in eastern Ladakh’s with Chinese troops in which 20 Indian soldiers were martyred, categorically stated in the all-party meeting on Friday that no Indian post or territory has been occupied by anyone.

“At the outset, the Prime Minister clarified that neither is anyone inside our territory nor are any of our posts captured. He said that 20 of our brave soldiers made the supreme sacrifice for the nation in Ladakh but also taught a lesson to those who had dared to look towards our motherland. The nation will forever remember their valour and sacrifice,” government sources said.

In the virtual meeting attended by 20 political parties, the Prime Minister said that our forces are doing whatever is necessary to protect the country. The sources said Modi assured “we are capable and nobody can take even an inch of our land.”

Modi said that our army is capable to move in any sector simultaneously. He underscored that today all of us stand united with the soldiers defending our borders and repose full faith in their courage and bravery.

The Prime Minister said that the country today has such capability that no one can even dare look towards an inch of our land. He said that today, Indian forces are capable of moving together across sectors. While on the one hand, the Army has been given a free hand to take necessary steps, has also conveyed its position clearly to  through diplomatic means.

He added that through the all-party meeting, he wants to assure the families of the martyrs that the entire country stands with them.

Modi assured the leaders that “the armed forces are leaving no stone unturned to protect the country. Be it deployment, action or counter action, through land, sea or air, our forces are taking the necessary steps to protect the country.”

Provision has also been made for fighter planes, modern helicopters, missile defence systems and other such needs of our forces. Through the recently developed infrastructure, patrolling capacity at LAC has also increased,” he said, adding that through this, we are better informed about the developments at  and consequently are able to monitor and respond better. The movements of the adversary which used to take place without any disruption earlier are now checked by our jawans, which at times leads to build up of tension.

He noted that through better infrastructure, supply of material and essentials to the jawans in the difficult terrain has become comparatively easier.

The Prime Minister emphasised the commitment of the government to welfare of the nation and its citizens and said that be it in trade, connectivity or counter-terrorism, the government has always stood up to outside pressure.

He assured that all steps necessary for national security and construction of necessary infrastructure will continue to be taken at a fast pace. He reassured the leaders about the capability of the armed forces to defend our borders and said that they have been given a free hand to take all necessary steps.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also briefed the meeting at the onset said that the nation will never forget the sacrifice of the martyrs.The leaders of the political parties hailed the bravery displayed by the armed forces in . They reposed faith in the leadership of the Prime Minister in this hour of crisis and expressed commitment to stand united with the government. They also shared their thoughts and ideas on dealing with the situation.


Vijay Upadhyay

Vijay Upadhyay is a career journalist with 23 years of experience in various English & Hindi national dailies. He has worked with UNI, DD/AIR & The Pioneer, among other national newspapers. He currently heads the United News Room, a news agency engaged in providing local news content to national newspapers and television news channels