Friday, September 20, 2024

News, Pakistan, Terrorism, World

Afghanistan : US launches drone strike on Islamic State after Kabul airport blast

US launches drone strike on Islamic State

  US launches drone strike on Islamic StateThe   launched a drone strike against an Islamic State attack “planner” in eastern   , the military said on Friday, a day after a suicide bombing at   killed 13 U.S. troops and scores of Afghan civilians.

U.S. Central Command said the strike took place in Nangarhar province, east of Kabul and bordering Pakistan.

“Initial indications are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties,” a U.S. military statement said. It did not say whether the target was connected with the airport attack.

President Joe Biden vowed on Thursday that the United States would hunt down those responsible for the attack, saying he had ordered the Pentagon to come up with plans to strike at the perpetrators.

A reaper drone, which took off from the Middle East, struck the militant while he was in a car with an   associate, the official said. Both are believed to have been killed, a U.S. official added.

Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K), an affiliate of militants who previously battled U.S. forces in Syria and Iraq, said it had carried out Thursday’s attack, which killed dozens of people – including Afghans who were trying to leave the country.In addition to the 13 U.S. troops killed, 18 injured were flown to Germany.

There are roughly 5,000 U.S. troops at Kabul’s airport, helping to evacuate American citizens, at-risk Afghans and other nationalities before Biden’s Tuesday deadline.

Few new details about the airport attack emerged a day later, but the Pentagon corrected its initial report that there had been suicide bombings at two locations. It said there was just one — at or near the Abbey Gate — followed by gunfire. The initial report of a second bombing at the nearby Baron Hotel proved to be false, said Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff; he attributed the mistake to initial confusion.

Based on a preliminary assessment, U.S. officials believe the suicide vest used in the attack, which killed at least 169 Afghans in addition to the 13 Americans, carried about 25 pounds of explosives and was loaded with shrapnel, a U.S. official said Friday. A suicide bomb typically carries five to 10 pounds of explosives, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss preliminary assessments of the bombing.


Vijay Upadhyay

Vijay Upadhyay is a career journalist with 23 years of experience in various English & Hindi national dailies. He has worked with UNI, DD/AIR & The Pioneer, among other national newspapers. He currently heads the United News Room, a news agency engaged in providing local news content to national newspapers and television news channels